Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Re: [nis_iiser] Campaign for correcting the inequity in HRD spending -- the data that we would like your help in obtaining

Dear Chitta Babu,

I fully agree with your points mentioning about the Correcting Center's inequity in HRD spending for orissa. You must need to keep our non-violence approach of raising your voice wherever and whenever it is required and justified for.

At the same time I will extend your subject to one step ahead by making sure that in addition to correcting the center we also need to correct or improve our State Govt's HRD spending in terms of setting up resources and building infrastructure equally to every districts of Orissa. I think the first priority should go to the most backward districts of our state like Koraput, Bolangir , Gajpati etc. etc. Otherwise our mission for a DEVELOPED orissa will be remained half-achieved from oneside.

Prashant Sahoo
New Jersey, USA.
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